On my work, technology and related stuff....


If you are interested in developing software (apps, tweaks) for a jailbroken iOS device, then check out my presentation on Developing For Jailbroken iOS platform that I gave at a recent CocoaHeads meeting. This should be a good starting point. The presentation discusses the pros and cons of developing for a jailbroken phone, the various development tools (XCode, Theos) and frameworks (Mobile Substrate) that are available for building applications / run-time patches as well as other relevant information on jailbroken phones (SHSH blobs, jailbreak software etc).

I own an Apple Developer's License and build Apple certified apps for the App Store. I pursue this as a hobby. So hopefully the presentation will get you started.

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  2. Amit
  3. xiang
  4. Bhavesh Bansal
  5. Plandevida
  6. Khang azun

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